Can't Get Enough: Dots, Language, Alain


I rarely download mobile games, because when I do, I tend to spend an unnecessary amount of time staring at my phone.  But Dots Two from Betaworks, with it's beautifully soothing design, colors, and music, is worth both the indulgence and the addiction.

On a recent drive through Vermont, I couldn't help but notice all the signs in French, with Bienvenue!  as the border welcome for various towns and cities. Turns out French is the State's most commonly spoken language aside from English (a trait the state shares with NY, ME, and LA.)  These handy graphics from Ben Blatt of Slate detail just what languages are spoken where in the US.  So, Americans: look no further than North Dakota to practice your German; try out some Russian phrases in Oregon.

I've once again picked up and begun top peruse my shelved books by Alain de Botton, thanks to a recent profile in the Financial Times.  The writer/philosopher/businessman tends throw people into camps of intense love or intense hate, and he's built an empire too.